Principles are important to the IAP! The IAP has and keeps its15 Principles:
15 Principles *short version"
We declare that the 15 Principles of Liberty (as well as both Proper and 'Good' Government) must not be compromised, but should be followed in order to maintain a 'Proper Government' of our Constitutional Republic in the United States of America ... AND
We are NOT a democracy (sorry Democrats !) Our Constitution states that it "guarantees" a "Republican Form of Government." (Article IV Section 12, called the "Guarantee Clause") So, does the Pledge of Allegiance ! "... and the Republic, for which it stands." We are NOT a democracy!
The 15 Principles include (with some emphasis added):
• free governments are based on moral law (1)
• proper government should protect God-given rights of all citizens
(life, liberty, and happiness - aka:property) (2, 4, 5, 6, 13)
• the Constitution is a solemn compact which all officers of government are under duty to obey by oath (3)
• we are at war with the enemies of freedom and our God-given liberties (i.e., Socialism, Facism, Communism, etc., in whole or in part) (7, 8) [e.g, CRT, ESG, DEI, etc., all of which divide us]
• all citizens should bear their fair share of the cost of government (9) [drat!]
• we believe in honest 'Constitutional' money (gold and silver coinage) (10) [not paper IOUs]
• each state is sovereign (11) [and should not be beholding to the Central Government, in Washington D.C. either financially or otherwise]
• treaties or agreements with other countries (or world organizations) should not deprive any U.S. citizens of any constitutional rights (aka: God-given rights, therefore they can't deprive or limit them either!) (14)
• it is a violation of the Constitution to weaken our military to the point required to protect the States and our borders from invasion and also to put our forces under foreign organizations or countries. (15)
[For another longer version with more details and a 'Full Text' form of the 15 Principles please use the Find Out More button ... below]
In 2001 the IAP grew from one state party (Utah) to three organized state parties (Minnesota, Tennessee and Utah), and twelve prospective state parties. Area Coordinators were assigned to each of four regions of the country.
The IAP adopted its first National Platform in August, 2002, and ended the year with three organized and 18 prospective state parties.
In 2003 the Party changed the structure of its officer positions from the traditional Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer, and elected a Chair and 4 Vice-Chairs.
By 2004 the party involvement dwindled, and it was unable to maintain ballot status in any state; however, the party was later revitalized and soon gained ballot access in Utah and New Mexico. From 2005 into 2012 the IAP grew somewhat both Nationally and in Utah - we had growth in California and established a successful state organization in Arkansas during that time as well as building in Idaho, Oregon, and Arizona. In the 2014 election cycle, the IAP supported a total of 31 candidates in local, state, and federal campaigns across nine (9) states.
Today, the IAP of Utah continues to grow right here!. (Nationally, with members in most of the 50 states and the District of Columbia, we will soon see members throughout the Americas - in Central and South America, too.) When Utah started keeping track of the registered voting records, in 2014, we ended the year with less than 7000 registered affiliated voters in Utah alone. At the end of 2022 there were 79,387 voters, and by the end of 2023 the IAP of Utah was a party with 81,167 voters and near the end of 2024 the IAP topped 91,822 on the Dec. 2 report -- but the next three weeks the numbers dropped for an unknown reason to 88,561 registered voters in the State of Utah (additional growth, so far, shows on the 10 Feb 2025 report that the IAP is now up to 88,945 an increase of 73 from the previous report). Even with the anomalous final three weeks, the IAP is still the third largest party in the state - more than all the other third parties combined! (the Libertarians, Constitution, No Label, United Utah, Green, and Utah Forward)
Year End numbers over the last decade
[the following 'End of Year' numbers and monthly figures below are from the Utah Lt. Gov. list of registered voters by party :(].
See how we've grown compared to the other parties !
Year IAP Libertarian Constitution United UT No Labels Ut Fwd Green
2014 6754 8556 4243 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2015 10,601 9206 4432 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2016 23,071 13,317 5591 (began 7/17) -- -- -- -- -- --
2017 26,354 13,750 5651 211 -- -- -- -- -- --
2018 40,598 17,384 6282 1493 -- -- -- -- -- --
2019 50,369 19,042 6687 1849 -- -- -- -- -- --
2020 64,219 21,698 6897 2305 -- -- -- -- -- --
2021 68,116 22,832 7328 2,589 -- -- -- -- -- --
2022 75,387 24,676 7845 2775 (began 10/23) -- -- -- --
2023 81,167 25,598 8184 2971 976* (started 1/24)
2024 88,872* 24,031* 8030* 2979* 11,103* 158* 655*
(GOP* = 1,019,371 Dem* = 280,737 Unaff* = 578,441
Total Utah Reg. Voters = 2,014,377* [*-year to date]
The IAP's average annual growth is just over 6k/year (where Utah started keeping record of the numbers over a decade ago, in 2014)... an amazing annual average. We have already grown by 9k+ in 2024, which is over 150% of our average.
The IAP is on par to break the 100k level sometime in 2025. This conservative trajectory shows the IAP at an estimated 110k by 2026, 115k by 2027, 120k by 2028, and over 135k well before 2030.
While the trajectories of the other major third parties show:
- Libertarians could be over 30k by 2027, 35k by 2029.
- Constitution has a fairly flat growth, not breaking 10k until 2027, getting close to 15k about 2030.
- United Utah might break 5k about 2028 or 2029.
- No Labels is currently growing rapidly, but they along with Utah Forward and Utah Green are too new to show a clear trend, yet.
Monthly the IAP is growing by about 600-800 per month, on average, as shown below. Breaking it down into monthly or even weekly or bi-weekly growth we see the following:
Monthly numbers for 2024 2025
2 Jan - IAP = 81,873 3 Jun-IAP = 85,674 13 Jan IAP=88,639 (+78)
29 Jan - IAP = 82,583 10 Jun-IAP = 85,892 27 Jan-IAP=88,796 (+157)
5 Feb - IAP = 82,747 24 Jun-IAP = 86,118 3 Feb-IAP=88,872 (+233)
12 Feb - IAP = 82,896 1 Jul - IAP = 86,126 10 Feb-IAP= 88,945 (+73)
26 Feb - IAP= 83,218 8 Jul - IAP = 86,144 Feb-IAP=
4 Mar - IAP= 83,256 15 Jul - IAP = 86,419
11 Mar- IAP = 83,319 29 Jul - IAP= 87,045
18 Mar - IAP = 83,419 26 Aug-IAP = 87,160
25 Mar -IAP = 83,684 9 Sep-IAP = 87,598
. 1 Apr -IAP = 83,897 23 Sep-IAP = 88,311
8 Apr- IAP = 84,294 7 Oct- IAP = 89,024
15 Apr - IAP= 84,574 21 Oct- IAP = 89,940
. 22 Apr - IAP= 84,737 28 Oct- IAP = 90,877
29 Apr - IAP= 84,837 18 Nov- IAP = 91,370
6 May- IAP= 85,022 25 Nov- IAP = 91,633
13 May- IAP= 85,243 2 Dec - IAP= 91,822
20 May-IAP = 85,353 9 Dec - IAP= 90,310 (-1572) (?)
28 May-IAP= 85,530 16 Dec - IAP= 89,924 ( -486) (?)
30 Dec - IAP= 88,561 (-1363)(?)
[anomalous Dec IAP total drops 3,321 - unk. reason for the three weekly drops]
from 2014 (when the state began keeping these statistics) to Dec.2, 2024, has grown around 6k annually, over 650 per monthly average, sometimes as many as several hundred in one week!!
HERE WE GO ... WATCH US CONTINUE TO GROW ... RIGHT HERE LOCALLY! Not to mention NATIONALLY or in the rest of North America, but in ALL the AMERICAS; Central America, South America, and in the Caribbean Isles of the AMERICAN HEMISPHERE.
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