IAP Utah is the state's largest third party - combine all the other third parties and the IAP is bigger - and active in policy and politics across the state: Northern Utah, Southwest Utah, Southeast Utah, Central Utah, in the Uintah Basin; in rural Utah and along the Wasatch Front. But that's not all ...
The IAP is working to be in all 50 states but our strongest 'core' is Utah. The IAP has a presence in almost half the nation (23 states) and actively recruiting in the rest. Our National officers are based in Utah.
Community involvement, County involvement ... from precinct to legislative district, ...from citizen lobbyist on capitol hill during the legislative session ... we are government watch-dogs, weekly advocating to our elected officials, and so very much more!
We all learn about the U.S. Constitution, but who is teaching about our State Constitution? Utah's state constitution was adopted almost 100 years after the U.S. Constitution? What do they both contain? How do they cupport and modify each other? How are they different ... how have they been amended and changed over the years? Did you know we have less than 25% of the original text of the state constitution left? How doe the 2nd Amendment in the U.S. Constitution read in the Utah Constitution? Is it better or not? Are there other changes, too?
And we are stretching to reach other 'Americans' in North, Central, and South America as well as in the Caribbean Islands of the AMERICAN Hemisphere. We teach 'Special IAP Ambassadors' the 15 Principles of proper government and the Constitutional Principles found in the US Constitution so they can take advantage of what made the United States 'Great,' thereby making their home countries also 'Great.' (Along with solving part of the immigration issue, in the long-run and along the way ... seeing the Constitution IS the Solution!)
First, the IAP has conservative principles (15 in fact) and haven’t sold them out, the way the GOP & Dems have – at the convenience of pressure or according to popularity polls and the 'winds' of the time (we are determined to keep our principles … ‘determined’ is the politically correct form of saying we are stubbornly principled! e.g., 100% Pro-Life, anti-abortion/pro-adoption; pro-religious freedom without concern about which denomination or any religious preferences, etc.); teaching and asking our elected officials to stand with these principles IS transformative for advocates and our elected politicians alike.
Second, the IAP is the only truly Conservative option for Utah voters – rather than the progressive Republicans and down-right Socialist Democrats. Other third party options are not 1) truly conservative, 2) are mostly varying degrees of progressive or moderate in current issues. The IAP was first formed (in the late 20th Century) to be the only viable truly Conservative Option as the rest of the political parties are moving targets when it comes to real Conservative tenants and principles.
Conservative principles and values transformed 13 disparate Colonies, from 13 British Colonies into 13 states, into our United States of America almost 250 years ago – enshrining those values and ideals into our 'inspired' foundational documents (the Declaration, our Constitution and the Bill of Rights).
Third, the IAP is a National Party throughout the United States and North America (Mexico, Canada) spreading the idea of ‘Proper Government’ and ‘Proper Constitutional Principles’ out into the American Hemisphere (Central, South America and the Caribbean) with the Independent American Party ... were you aware that Socialist Cuba has a Constitution? It is not like ours, but almost all countries in the American Hemisphere have one now. They don't always live up to, or by, what they say, and they don't all specify God-given rights or limited government or Federalism, or other basic Constitutional principles. Hence the need!
As the UNITED STATES of AMERICA is a light on a hill to the world of Freedom, Liberty, and the blessings of Individual Rights for its citizens; the IAP represents the best of all of that ... along with ‘15 Principles of Proper Government’ and ‘Proper Constitutional Principles’ needed throughout the Americas of North, Central, South America and the Caribbean Island nations ... and the World (But we are starting with the American Hemisphere, for right now!)
Fourth, the IAP is unapologetic about bringing “the Almighty” back into political discussions as the Founding Fathers did and intended (no particular denomination but not afraid to honor and regularly mention the 'Hand of Providence' or by showing appreciation, recognition and thanks for the “Miracles” God performed during the Revolutionary War – before and since -- etc.)., and because this is a covenant nation with God Almighty; as George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and many others attest. Almighty God gave governments to His chosen people in the Old Testament. HE gave us our form and substance of government through inspiring our Founding Fathers (and it has been documented that the Bible is the most quoted source book by the Founders and hence the most influential book on the formation of our founding documents) we cannot ignore nor forget His benevolence nor our covenant with Him!
Fifth, the IAP relies upon the U.S. Constitution and Proper Constitutional PRINCIPLES to develop the answers to today’s issues and problems facing our local, state, and central government – hence, we also call ourselves the “Constitution Solution” party; believing the Constitution came about through inspiration from God, and both FOR the Americas and "all flesh."
Additionally, the IAP is TRANSFORMATIVE by giving our members a chance to transform themselves into political advocates who regularly ask our elected officials to transform them to adhere to ‘correct’ Constitutional principles, to follow the Constitution, to see the Proper Role of Government as our founders established, to use the Constitution for their legislation and ideas for programs. We also teach our advocates to use ‘Active Listening skills’ to listen to the elected officials and to help them see the logic and reason for following the Proper Role and Constitutional principles; thereby transforming our politicians and our government into what it is meant to be and to become; what our Republic form of government was designed to become.
We direct our advocates to be impactful advocates through regular connections with their efforts, making quick and easy methods to weekly reach out and touch someone to make a difference – be they an elected official of their city, their county, their state, or nation (municipal council, commission, legislature or agency or governor, congressional or federal agency or even the President of the United States) for we can ALL make a difference one person at a time, one day at a time, over time after time.
* - for more on becoming and IAP Advocate OR an IAP Ambassador go to the "IAP Advocate PLUS" page.
The Independent American Party IS 'The' CONSTITUTION SOLUTION Party ... we need YOU ! ...... because, whether you know it or not; you need the IAP!!
We find solutions to most issues within the Constitution and Constitutional Principles found in the CONSTITUTION. The Independent American Party (IAP) IS 'The Constitution Solution Party' for National issues, Local & State issues, municipal and township topics. We follow the Constitution - the road-map our Founding Father's and the Hand of Providence gave us - to find the proper role of government and the solutions to the woes of today from TOO MUCH Government ... excessive government over-reach ... illegal & improper rules and regulations (masquerading under the 'color-of-law') all in the guise of the 'administrative state' ... it ALL comes down to 21st Century tyranny!
WE THE PEOPLE are no longer the ones controlling and telling government what to do .... and that needs to change! WE are being 'put upon' by a huge Central Government reminescent of the Colonial Period's battle with issues 'put upon' the American colonies by Great Britain's tyrannical government. (However, we do not advocate violent armed revolution, but a strong, steady pressure, a peaceful and Constitutional Solution.) A revolution of the 'hearts and minds' of 'We the People!'
The I.A.P. (Independent American Party) suggests we are in need of such a revolution of hearts and minds with the aim of taking back our rights and restoring our Nation (as well as enshrining the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, AND the Declaration of Independence, back to their FULL GLORY) with the intended meaning and interpretation as the Founders saw and meant it, AWAY from the Progressive and Liberal establishment who have taken over and usurpt the power of WE THE PEOPLE!
But, we need your help!
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