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A March article detailing the Associated Press investigation of an aspect of Utah confirmed many suspicions of very real connection to the Chinese Communist Party.
Alan Suderman and Sam Metz investigated connections between Utah Gov. Spencer Cox, Utah legislators and high ranking CCP officials..
In Part One of this we quoted from the AP article and Fortune Magazine, and continue the articles here in Part Two:
“‘Utah is not like Washington D.C.,’ then Utah House Speaker Greg Hughes, a vocal supporter of former President Donald Trump, told the Chinese state media outlet in 2018 as the former president ratcheted up pressure on Beijing over trade. ‘Utah is a friend of China, an old friend with a long history.’
“In an interview last month with the AP, Hughes said the trips to China made him ‘bullish’ about the country and prospects of improving trade. However, he said he now believes the visits were pretexts for Chinese officials to influence him and other lawmakers.
“Utah doesn’t require public officials to report in detail their foreign travel or personal finances, so it’s difficult to determine lawmakers’ financial ties to China. Some of Utah’s most pro-China legislators, however, have China-related personal business connections.
“Sen. Curt Bramble told Courthouse News Service last year that his role as a part-time legislator and as a business consultant sometimes overlap and that he “had clients in China — a dozen at times — some of them on legislative tours, some on consulting.”
“In an interview with AP, Bramble said none of his clients are based in China; they only do business there. He declined to name them.
“Bramble, a Republican who represents a conservative district (for over 23 years), also rejected fears of undue Chinese influence in Utah.
“‘China’s not going anywhere. China’s going to be a world force. They’re going to be a player for the foreseeable future and trying to understand what that implies for the United States or for the state of Utah and get a concept of that seems to be a valuable endeavor,’ he said.
“Utah resident whom lawmakers said regularly has advocated better relations with China was Dan Stephenson, the son of a former state senator and employee of a China-based consulting firm.
“Emails and other records show Stephenson advised the Utah Senate president (Stuart Adams) on how to make a good impression with a Chinese ambassador and assisted a Chinese province in its unsuccessful efforts to build a ceramics museum in Utah.
“Stephenson has promoted China in Utah for several years and has boasted of being well connected with government officials there.
“‘I’ve heard more than once from the mouths of Chinese government officials that China is prioritizing their relationship with Utah,’
Stephenson told lawmakers at a committee hearing. That testimony came shortly after Stephenson accompanied Republican State Sen. Jake Anderegg on a trip to Shanghai and Beijing that included meetings with officials at China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
“A few months after that trip, Stephenson provided Anderegg with the draft language for a pro-China resolution (2020 SCR 8) the state senator introduced in 2020’s General Session expressing solidarity with China during the pandemic, Anderegg told the AP.
“The resolution passed with near unanimous approval.
“A Chinese diplomat’s efforts to win passage of a similar resolution in Wisconsin failed, with the state’s Senate president publicly blasting it as a piece of propaganda.
“Anderegg told the AP that he was interviewed by FBI agents seeking information about the Utah resolution’s origins.
“‘It seemed rather innocuous to me,’ Anderegg said of his resolution. ‘But maybe it wasn’t.’
“Stephenson said the FBI has not contacted him and no Chinese government official played a role in the resolution.
“Stephenson has links to Chinese groups allegedly active in covert foreign influence operations, documents show.
“He is a partner in the Shanghai-based consulting firm Economic Bridge International. The company’s chief executive, William Wang, is a Chinese citizen and council member of the China Friendship Foundation for Peace and Development, according to an online biography. The group is affiliated with the Chinese Communist Party’s United Front.
“Stephenson, also once worked for the China Academy of Painting, which has been used by China’s Ministry of State Security as a front for meeting and covertly influencing elites and officials abroad, according to Alex Joske, the author of the recently published book Spies and Lies: How China’s Greatest Covert Operations Fooled the World.
“Stephenson said he worked only briefly — without pay — for the China Academy of Painting. He added he did not witness any spy agency involvement.
“Stephenson said he’s never taken any action at the direction of the Chinese government and never accepted compensation from it.
“‘I work to promote Utah’s economy, to help American companies succeed in China, and to encourage healthy people-to-people and commercial ties,’ Stephenson said.
“His work sometimes aligned with what Chinese government officials were seeking and in ways experts say likely helped the Chinese Communist Party’s messaging.
“Stephenson urged Utah’s elected officials to make videos to air on Shanghai television to boost the spirits of that city’s residents early in 2020 as they battled COVID-19, according to emails obtained by AP.
“‘You cannot buy this type of positive publicity for Utah in China,’ Stephenson said in an email pitching the videos.
“The request originated with the Shanghai government, according to Stephenson’s email, and came as officials in China were scrambling to tamp down public fury at communist authorities for reprimanding a young doctor, who later died, over his repeated warnings about the disease’s dangers.
“Many lawmakers recorded videos reading sample scripts Stephenson provided, and a compilation of those videos which was uploaded to a Chinese social media website.
The compilation ends with dozens of lawmakers in unison shouting ‘jiayou’- a Chinese expression of encouragement — on the Utah House and Senate floors.”
And this is only the TIP of the CCP iceberg in Utah ... we can also look at Chinese Sister Cities, students from China exchanging with Utah students, the Confucius Institutes at the UofU / Utah State / Snow / Utah Tech / UVU, et al.
OR the Trade Missions from Utah to China, political donations from China to Utah elected officials, Pro-China (CCP) programs from the Utah Legislature, sale of Utah resources to Chinese firms/concerns -- Sanpete County alfalfa/hay sold & shipped to China, etc.
And seeing WHO gets what money and from whom! (Financial Disclosures)
And much much MORE !!
Smart Cities,
15-minute walkable communities,
CCP part of the Great Reset .
Private/Public Partnerships =..
is just 21st Century State Fascism
-the 'Utah Way' !
and the list goes on.
by David Swift, April 3, 2018 (Buffalo Quakers, Spring 2018 Newsletter)
1. Meditate daily on the teachings and life of Jesus.
2. Remember always that the non-violent [Independence] movement seeks justice and reconciliation - not victory. [Seeking victory also means someone is conquered and that is not a win-win, but a win-lose]
3. Walk and talk in the manner of love, for God is love.
4. Pray daily to be used by God in order that all men might be free [and independent].
5. Sacrifice personal wishes in order that all men might be free [and independent]..
6. Observe with both friend and foe the ordinary rules of courtesy.
7. Seek to perform regular service for others and for the world.
8. Refrain from the violence of fist, tongue, or heart.
9. Strive to be in good spiritual and bodily health.
10.Follow the directions [the 15 principles and ideals] of the movement and [IAP] of the captain on a demonstration.
First and foremost, seek
'Common Ground,'
that is the best starting point
to building bridges !
Glenn Beck mentioned theses 10 steps in dealing with ‘Liberals’ during his Aug. 16, 2022, event – Eagle Forum Rally @ Thanksgiving Point ‘Show Barn’
We have added a couple of ‘corrections’ and clarifications [in brackets] for use here..
Independent Americans can use these same principles and ideas to deal with 'Independent Republicans' and 'Independent Democrats' who are feed up with their party's 'petty party politics' and want a return to civility and true political discussion on Principles and Policy and real SOLUTIONS!
We can also used these self-same concepts in discussion with fellow INDEPENDENTS who may not have a full understanding of the duopoly and the mess our political arena is in because of the collusion, corruption and carnage of the two-major parties ... we're talkin' just the facts, Jack! Which is evidenced by the burgeoning rolls of the UNAFFILIATED voters across the country. These are they who are entirely feed up with the 'petty party politics' of the duopoly (both the R & Ds, the GOP and the Dems, the donkeys and the fat-ass elephants, the RINOs and the DINOs as well as all the big Purple 'Barney's' !! ... Dang, there is a whole menagery running around out there !! ).
Published on: Nov 23, 2018 by Tenth Amendment Center ... with additions at the bottom by
Another Republican majority has come and gone. And with nothing to show for it.
Although Republicans controlled both Houses of Congress under a Democratic president during two years of Harry Truman’s presidency, the last six years of Bill Clinton’s presidency, and the last two years of Barack Obama’s presidency, there have been three times in recent history when the Republican Party had absolute control of the government.
The Republicans controlled both Houses of Congress during the first two years of Republican Dwight Eisenhower’s presidency.
The Republicans controlled both Houses of Congress for over four years during the presidency of Republican George W. Bush.
The Republicans have controlled both Houses of Congress since the presidential inauguration of Republican Donald Trump. However, because of Democratic gains in the recent midterm election, Republicans will lose control of the House when the next Congress (the 116th) meets in January.
Republicans under Eisenhower could have repealed the New Deal. They didn’t. And the road was paved for a massive welfare state.
Republicans under Bush could have repealed the Great Society. They didn’t. And the welfare state was expanded yet again.
Republicans under Trump could have repealed Obamacare. They didn’t. And the welfare state became inexorably entrenched.
Economist Walter Williams of George Mason University recently pointed out the terrible truth about government spending:
Tragically, two-thirds to three-quarters of the federal budget can be described as Congress taking the rightful earnings of one American to give to another American—using one American to serve another. Such acts include farm subsidies, business bailouts, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, welfare, and many other programs.
This is just as true under Trump and his Republican majority in Congress as it ever was.
In baseball it is three strikes and you’re out, but not in politics. In the months before the next election, Republicans will tell Americas that they should vote Republican so they can regain the House of Representatives in order to rein in government spending, reduce the size of the government, restore the Constitution, cut government waste, eliminate unnecessary regulations, fix the economy, and make America great again. And millions of Americans will believe them, vote for them, and give them yet another chance to not only do none of these things, but to make things even worse.
But of course, it doesn’t have to be like this. Republicans under Eisenhower could have done something. Republicans under Bush could have done something. Republicans under Trump could have done something. In fact, Republicans could have done almost anything.
So, what could the Republicans have done?
Could Republicans have eliminated Medicaid? Of course. Could Republicans have eliminated food stamps? Certainly. But let’s be realistic. Although Republicans could have at least made some real cuts to these programs, there is no way that they would ever try to abolish them. Even if they actually had some philosophical aversion to these programs, it would be politically inexpedient for them to try to abolish them.
What then, could the Republicans have actually done? What is the best we could have hoped for?
Here are twenty reasonable things that the Republicans could have done:
And Republicans certainly could have eliminated Daylight Saving Time.
Not only could Republicans have done these things, they could have done them the first month that they had absolute control of the government. But they, as usual, did nothing.
Republicans are worse than useless. They are welfare statists just like Democrats. There is not a dime’s worth of difference between the two major parties. Libertarians who hold their nose and vote Republican when there are no libertarians on the ballot are wasting their vote.
Another Republican majority has come and gone. And with nothing to show for it—except a massive welfare state, perpetual war, a federal budget over $4 trillion, and a national debt over $21.7 trillion.
[ This article was originally published at, and is reposted here under a CreativeCommons 4.0 license.
Laurence M. Vance is a policy advisor for the Future of Freedom Foundation.He is the author of over a dozen books, including The Revolution That Wasn’t. Visit his ]
(The following are additional reasons added by )
* - One reason the GOP can't repeal the unconstitutional Obamacare is because they have to take credit for the equally unconstitutional enactment by voting for Medicare in the LBJ or Johnson Administration ... and more directly for a few other more recent 'little' things' like Department of Homeland Security, via the lovely "Patriot Act," ... and the list goes on !
* - move CIA, NSA, Defense Information Agency, etc., all the so-called 'Intelligence Community' to DOD or eliminate them all as all equally unconstitutional)
* - Abolish the U.S. Forest Service
* - return Bureau of Land Management back to just dealing as the 'Land Office'
* - Abolish BATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms)
* - Along with Eliminating the entire Dept. of Education, abolish all federal student loans, grants and all this talk of Student Loan refunds or forgivness (there is zero authority for the Federal Government to have ANYTHING to do with or about Education at all OR for anyone to have to 'repay' any such unconstitutional 'loan' arrangements !!)
*- Abolish Social Security, which is also unconstitutional (Sorry Folks you'll just have to thank FDR for that one ... !!)
* - Abolish the Center for Disease Control (CDC), National Health Institute (NHI), National Mental Health Institute (NMHI), and remove the Department of Health and Human Services (NHHS) from cabinet level by dissolving it entirely as unconstitutional
* - Dissolve the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as unconstitutional
* - Remove the Department of Transportation from cabinet level and dissolve it entirely as unconstitutional or put it under the Department of Commerce (maybe)
* - Abolish the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Department of Energy (DoE), Department of Labor, Interior Department, Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Security and Exchange Commission (SEC), Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), Federal Housing Administration (FHA), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Federal Labor Relations Board (FLRB), National Aeronautiics and Space Administration (NASA), etc & et al
are ALL unconstitutional
AND don't forget about doing away with "the FED' - which ISN"T affiliated with the Federal Government, they just want us to think it is ... it is nothing more than the United States Central Bank and we can do without it or make it run as it was intended .... NOT as a overseer of the Treasury or our money but as a bank !! PUT Congress back in charge of our fiscal house and HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE !!
Now that IS a radical Idea !!
[ Don't get me into the national debt and debt ceiling... bushwah ! That is a whole entire OTHER ballgame and nightmare !! ]
The Constitution ONLY authorizes Congress to do about 20 specific things (Article 1 Section 8 is where they are listed). Nowhere does it give the Executive or the Judicial power to make laws or to 'legislate.' So anything the Executive does (via Executive Orders) is unconstitutional unless it deals ONLY with administrative rules and policies within Executive agencies ... not creating National Parks or Monuments, not dealing with mandates for the public health or 'social programs' or such - even IF some think the 'General Welfare Clause' is talking about entitlements !! ........... (which it isn't !!)
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